It was a great piece of team work by the home clubs – Dulwich CC, South Bank CC and Ploughmans CC sent in plenty of volunteers. A very worthwhile day. Particular thanks to John Howard who supplied the tools and materials. Yesterday’s work created a new shed ready to be made into a scorebox, all the cricket covers had tarpaulin replaced & cleaned, new hoses & gullies cleaned, a scoreboard painted in the Hollies and a the Ploughmans CC home dressing room painted in blue & gold.
It was a brilliant effort and we would like to keep up the momentum by asking teams to come an hour earlier before their games for the next two weekends – Saturday 16th and 23rd April as we have a couple of tasks left. Could skippers contact John to agree how they can help.
We would like to paint the front of the new score-box black, re-slat & move the sightscreens, set out boundary ropes and sweep all the astro-surfaces.
John Howard, the winter users and Sportsturf will be working this week on clearing away the winter sports equipment, taking down the rugby posts and clearing away and storing safely all our machinery.
At the same time, John Howard is planning a major offensive against litter and debris about the place. All pitches will have litter bins. Please encourage your fellow players to use them.